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4oz Child-Resistant Biodegradable Hemp Plastic Jars
SKU: 2075e78bd905
Categories: Eco-Friendly Packaging, Hempak
Tags: 3.5g, 7g, Certified Child-Resistant, Eco-Friendly, Flower, Hemp, Hempak
Package your hemp in hemp! CannaZip is excited to partner with Hempak in offering 4oz biodegradable jars made from hemp plastic! These certified child-resistant hemp containers are a great way to reduce environmental impact while packaging your product in a secure container. Hemp containers come with matching lids, and are available for direct print or labeling to help your product stand out from the rest.
These USA-made containers are made from a blend of 25% hemp and 75% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic, and are also #7 recyclable! They are a great fit for 3.5 – 7 grams of cannabis flower – depending on flower density.
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