Introducing the Eros SE All-In-One Vaporizer from iKrusher. The Eros SE is an inhale-activated vaporizer that features iKrusher’s newest iKonic Arc ceramic coil, which allows for balanced, smooth vapor with no burnt taste! It boasts a long-lasting, rechargeable 400mAh lithium-ion battery and a USB-C charging port. The Eros features a glass tank, medical-grade stainless steel center post, and four 1.5mm intake holes. The Eros is available in 2 sizes – 1.0ml (recommended for distillate or live resin) and 2.0ml (recommended for distillate).
Need your vaporizer customized? We offer USA-based direct printing or labeling services, and iKrusher’s iKraft service, which offers enhanced customization options which includes direct printing, LED light color modification, voltage modification, and customized logo, color, and surface finish. Contact us for more information about customization options!
The Eros SE has a pre-set voltage of 3.6v and a resistance of 1.5 Ω.
*Please note – orders over 10,000 units may require additional lead time.
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